Kegiatan CSR PT KMI 2024
Kegiatan CSR PT KMI 2024 PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia kembali melakukan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tahun 2024. Kali ini PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia
Kegiatan CSR PT KMI 2024 PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia kembali melakukan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tahun 2024. Kali ini PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia
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PT Global Ekuipmen Solusi (GLOES) Resmi Sebagai Dealer KMI di wilayah Kalimantan Utara Dealer resmi PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia semakin memperluas jangkauan layanannya untuk pelanggan-pelanggan
Perluas Jangkauan: Dealer Resmi Kubota Kini Meliputi Lebih Banyak Wilayah di Pulau Jawa Perluas Jangkauan: Dealer Resmi Kubota Kini Meliputi Lebih Banyak Wilayah di Pulau
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia Rayakan Ulang Tahun yang ke-10 PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia (KMI), merayakan 10 tahun keberadaannya di Indonesia dengan mengusung tema “Selalu Bersama
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia Memberikan Bantuan Mesin Tanam Padi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (SMKN) 5 Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, kembali menerima bantuan peralatan pertanian berupa mesin
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia (KMI) is making this proprietary material available for your convenience. You must accept these Terms of Use before using KMI ’s Illustrated Parts List system. Your access to, and use of, the Website and its materials is conditioned upon your acceptance and compliance with these Terms in their entirety.
Term and Conditions
For various reasons, we strongly recommend that you contact a nearby, authorized Kubota dealer for all maintenance, service, and replacement parts for your Kubota equipment. KMI will not be responsible for any type of damage, injury or loss resulting from incorrect or improper adjustment, repair or replacement done by the owner or operator. KMI’s Illustrated Parts List Website does not have parts online ordering capability. You must contact an authorized Kubota dealer if you wish to purchase parts for your Kubota equipment.
Parts applications may be dependent on a unit’s serial number. Serial number applicability is shown in the illustrated Parts List. In very rare cases, the serial number break may not be exact. Therefore, it is important that part number applicability be confirmed by an authorized Kubota dealer prior to ordering. Always have your exact model designation and serial number available when placing a parts order with an authorized Kubota dealer. KMI assumes no responsibility whatsoever in the event any incorrect parts are ordered, delivered or installed. Further, you should understand that parts may no longer be available for Kubota equipment due to the passage of time.
The information contained in this Website is provided to you “AS IS,” for your informational purposes only, without any representation or warranty of accuracy or completeness of information or other warranty of any kind, including any implied warranty of quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. In no event will KMI be liable to any person or entity for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from use of KMI’s Illustrated Parts List Website.
The information on this Website may be changed, updated or deleted at any time without prior notice. KMI may make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this material at any time. KMI makes no warranties that this Website will operate uninterrupted or error free or that any error will be corrected. KMI does not warrant that this Website is compatible with your computer equipment or that this Website or its server is free of errors or viruses, worms or “Trojan horses” and KMI is not liable for any damage you may suffer as a result of such potentially harmful features.
Additionally, KMI makes no representations or warranties whatsoever about any other Website which you may choose to access through this Website.
Links provided by KMI to such Websites are provided solely for your convenience and should not be deemed to imply that KMI endorses those Websites or any content therein.
Kubota Corporation or PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia owns all intellectual property (including copyright) and other rights to the materials on this Website. You are authorized to view, download and reproduce the materials at this
Website only for your personal use. No further reproduction or publication and no commercial use may be made of the materials on this Website without the prior written permission of KMI.
You may not make any part of this Website available as part of another web site whether by hyperlink framing on the internet or otherwise. This Website and its content may not be used to construct a database of any kind nor may the Website and its content be stored (in whole or part) in databases for access by you or any third party or for distribution.
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia has endeavored to make the information on this website as accurate as possible. However, errors may inadvertently have occurred. This Website may contain other proprietary notices and conditions of use, the terms of which must also be observed and followed as they apply to the particular portions of this Website for which they are intended.
KMI may modify any of these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice.
This Illustrated Parts List system contains parts list information of Indonesia models only. The information may be inaccurate for models sold by Kubota distributors in other countries. Therefore, Kubota customers outside of Indonesia should not use this Illustrated Parts List system to identify parts for their unit.
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia (KMI) menyediakan materi eksklusif ini untuk kenyamanan Anda. Anda harus menerima Ketentuan Penggunaan ini sebelum menggunakan sistem Daftar Suku Cadang Bergambar KMI. Akses Anda ke, dan penggunaan, Situs Web dan materi-materinya tergantung pada penerimaan dan kepatuhan Anda terhadap Ketentuan ini secara keseluruhan.
Syarat dan Ketentuan
Karena berbagai alasan, kami sangat menyarankan agar Anda menghubungi dealer resmi Kubota terdekat untuk semua perawatan, servis, dan penggantian suku cadang untuk peralatan Kubota Anda. KMI tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala jenis kerusakan, cedera, atau kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh penyesuaian, perbaikan, atau penggantian yang tidak benar atau tidak tepat yang dilakukan oleh pemilik atau operator. Situs web Daftar Komponen Bergambar KMI tidak memiliki kemampuan pemesanan komponen secara online. Anda harus menghubungi dealer resmi Kubota jika ingin membeli suku cadang untuk peralatan Kubota Anda.
Aplikasi suku cadang mungkin tergantung pada nomor seri unit. Penerapan nomor seri ditunjukkan dalam Daftar Komponen bergambar. Dalam kasus yang sangat jarang terjadi, pemutusan nomor seri mungkin tidak tepat. Oleh karena itu, penerapan nomor komponen harus dikonfirmasi oleh dealer resmi Kubota sebelum memesan. Selalu siapkan penunjukan model dan nomor seri yang tepat saat melakukan pemesanan suku cadang dengan dealer resmi Kubota. KMI tidak bertanggung jawab apa pun jika ada suku cadang yang salah dipesan, dikirim, atau dipasang. Selanjutnya, Anda harus memahami bahwa suku cadang mungkin tidak lagi tersedia untuk peralatan Kubota karena berlalunya waktu.
Informasi yang terkandung dalam Situs Web ini disediakan untuk Anda “SEBAGAIMANA ADANYA”, hanya untuk tujuan informasi Anda, tanpa pernyataan atau jaminan keakuratan atau kelengkapan informasi atau jaminan lainnya dalam bentuk apa pun, termasuk jaminan tersirat atas kualitas, kelayakan jual, kesesuaian untuk tujuan tertentu, atau non-pelanggaran. Dalam hal apapun, KMI tidak akan bertanggung jawab kepada orang atau entitas mana pun atas kerusakan langsung, tidak langsung, insidental, khusus atau konsekuensial yang timbul dari penggunaan Situs Web Daftar Suku Cadang Bergambar KMI.
Informasi di Situs Web ini dapat diubah, diperbarui atau dihapus sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. KMI dapat melakukan perbaikan dan/atau perubahan pada produk dan/atau program yang dijelaskan dalam materi ini sewaktu-waktu. KMI tidak memberikan jaminan bahwa Situs Web ini akan beroperasi tanpa gangguan atau bebas dari kesalahan atau bahwa setiap kesalahan akan diperbaiki. KMI tidak menjamin bahwa Situs Web ini kompatibel dengan peralatan komputer Anda atau bahwa Situs Web ini atau servernya bebas dari kesalahan atau virus, worm atau “Trojan horse” dan KMI tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yang mungkin Anda derita sebagai akibat dari fitur-fitur yang berpotensi berbahaya tersebut.
Selain itu, KMI tidak membuat pernyataan atau jaminan apa pun tentang Situs Web lain yang mungkin Anda pilih untuk diakses melalui Situs Web ini.
Tautan yang disediakan oleh KMI ke Situs Web tersebut disediakan semata-mata untuk kenyamanan Anda dan tidak boleh dianggap menyiratkan bahwa KMI mendukung Situs Web tersebut atau konten apa pun di dalamnya.
Kubota Corporation atau PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia memiliki semua kekayaan intelektual (termasuk hak cipta) dan hak-hak lain atas materi di Situs Web ini. Anda diizinkan untuk melihat, mengunduh, dan mereproduksi materi di Situs Web ini hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi. Dilarang memperbanyak atau mempublikasikan lebih lanjut dan tidak boleh menggunakan materi yang ada di Situs Web ini untuk tujuan komersial tanpa izin tertulis dari KMI.
Anda tidak boleh membuat bagian dari Situs Web ini tersedia sebagai bagian dari situs web lain baik melalui pembingkaian hyperlink di internet atau sebaliknya. Situs Web ini dan isinya tidak boleh digunakan untuk membangun basis data dalam bentuk apa pun dan Situs Web ini dan isinya juga tidak boleh disimpan (secara keseluruhan atau sebagian) dalam basis data untuk diakses oleh Anda atau pihak ketiga mana pun atau untuk didistribusikan.
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia telah berusaha untuk membuat informasi di situs web ini seakurat mungkin. Namun, kesalahan mungkin saja terjadi secara tidak sengaja. Situs web ini mungkin berisi pemberitahuan dan ketentuan penggunaan hak milik lainnya, yang ketentuannya juga harus dipatuhi dan diikuti karena berlaku untuk bagian tertentu dari situs web ini yang dimaksudkan.
KMI dapat mengubah Ketentuan Penggunaan ini setiap saat tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
Sistem Daftar Komponen Bergambar ini berisi informasi daftar komponen hanya untuk model-model di Indonesia. Informasi ini mungkin tidak akurat untuk model yang dijual oleh distributor Kubota di negara lain. Oleh karena itu, pelanggan Kubota di luar Indonesia tidak boleh menggunakan sistem Daftar Komponen Bergambar ini untuk mengidentifikasi komponen untuk unit mereka.
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia (KMI) is making this proprietary material available for your convenience. You must accept these Terms of Use before using KMI ’s Illustrated Parts List system. Your access to, and use of, the Website and its materials is conditioned upon your acceptance and compliance with these Terms in their entirety.
Term and Conditions
For various reasons, we strongly recommend that you contact a nearby, authorized Kubota dealer for all maintenance, service, and replacement parts for your Kubota equipment. KMI will not be responsible for any type of damage, injury or loss resulting from incorrect or improper adjustment, repair or replacement done by the owner or operator. KMI’s Illustrated Parts List Website does not have parts online ordering capability. You must contact an authorized Kubota dealer if you wish to purchase parts for your Kubota equipment.
Parts applications may be dependent on a unit’s serial number. Serial number applicability is shown in the illustrated Parts List. In very rare cases, the serial number break may not be exact. Therefore, it is important that part number applicability be confirmed by an authorized Kubota dealer prior to ordering. Always have your exact model designation and serial number available when placing a parts order with an authorized Kubota dealer. KMI assumes no responsibility whatsoever in the event any incorrect parts are ordered, delivered or installed. Further, you should understand that parts may no longer be available for Kubota equipment due to the passage of time.
The information contained in this Website is provided to you “AS IS,” for your informational purposes only, without any representation or warranty of accuracy or completeness of information or other warranty of any kind, including any implied warranty of quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. In no event will KMI be liable to any person or entity for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from use of KMI’s Illustrated Parts List Website.
The information on this Website may be changed, updated or deleted at any time without prior notice. KMI may make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this material at any time. KMI makes no warranties that this Website will operate uninterrupted or error free or that any error will be corrected. KMI does not warrant that this Website is compatible with your computer equipment or that this Website or its server is free of errors or viruses, worms or “Trojan horses” and KMI is not liable for any damage you may suffer as a result of such potentially harmful features.
Additionally, KMI makes no representations or warranties whatsoever about any other Website which you may choose to access through this Website.
Links provided by KMI to such Websites are provided solely for your convenience and should not be deemed to imply that KMI endorses those Websites or any content therein.
Kubota Corporation or PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia owns all intellectual property (including copyright) and other rights to the materials on this Website. You are authorized to view, download and reproduce the materials at this
Website only for your personal use. No further reproduction or publication and no commercial use may be made of the materials on this Website without the prior written permission of KMI.
You may not make any part of this Website available as part of another web site whether by hyperlink framing on the internet or otherwise. This Website and its content may not be used to construct a database of any kind nor may the Website and its content be stored (in whole or part) in databases for access by you or any third party or for distribution.
PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia has endeavored to make the information on this website as accurate as possible. However, errors may inadvertently have occurred. This Website may contain other proprietary notices and conditions of use, the terms of which must also be observed and followed as they apply to the particular portions of this Website for which they are intended.
KMI may modify any of these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice.
This Illustrated Parts List system contains parts list information of Indonesia models only. The information may be inaccurate for models sold by Kubota distributors in other countries. Therefore, Kubota customers outside of Indonesia should not use this Illustrated Parts List system to identify parts for their unit.