PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia


The official website of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia (the “Website”) is owned, operated and maintained by PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia or a third party appointed for the task. Please take the time to read these terms and conditions of use (“Terms and Conditions”) as they may impact the User’s rights and obligations under the law. By using this Website, users are deemed to have read, understood, comprehended and agreed to all contents in the Terms & Conditions.

PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia may change the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for checking the latest version of the page. This Website contains links to other Kubota Websites, its affiliates and third parties. Use of any of such Website indicates that you have read, understood, comprehended and agreed to the Terms & Conditions of such Website.

Prohibited Behaviors

When using the PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia Website, you agree not to:

  1. Violate any law, regulation, or ordinance.
  2. Committing or assisting a criminal act.
  3. Engage in conduct that may cause loss, harm or damage to PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia or any third party.
  4. Violate any legal right, such as property rights or privacy, or defame the reputation of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia or any third party.
  5. Engaging in acts that violate public order standards and norms of decency
  6. Upload, use, distribute or otherwise make available in any way software or data, such as computer viruses, that is intended to damage the Website, servers, computers or other property of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia and any other party.
  7. Use another person’s email address for the purpose of misleading PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia or any third party.
  8. Other activities deemed inappropriate by PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia.


PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or availability of the content contained in the Website. PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by accessing or using the Website.

PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia does not guarantee the security of the Website or its servers. Under no circumstances will PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia be liable for any loss or damage caused by the cessation of equipment operation due to natural disasters, connection problems/failures, or maintenance; computer viruses, corrupted files, or other similar software or data; or data tampering, unauthorized access, or leakage of data to by third parties, etc.

PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia may change the content of the Website and suspend or terminate access to the services provided through the Website at any time without prior notice. PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any changes or alterations to the contents and any suspension or closure of the Website, regardless of the reason.

The Website may provide information about products and services that are not available in other regions or countries. The PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia website is not designed to provide information for every region or country.

Copyright and Trademark

The copyright in the documents, images, sounds and other material on this Website belongs to PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia, unless otherwise specified. All materials on this Website are protected by copyright laws and other applicable international laws. Except for personal use and to the extent specified in this Website, you are prohibited from using, duplicating, altering, uploading, posting, transmitting, distributing, lending, transferring, selling and publishing any material from this Website without the express written permission of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia.

The respective Terms and Conditions contained herein or elsewhere on the content pages, if any, supersede any previous terms and conditions. Software provided from the Website is the copyright of its respective owners. Use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of any end user license agreement between the owner of such software and the end user, in addition to copyright laws and other applicable international laws.

Nama perusahaan, nama produk, dan logo yang digunakan di Situs web ini adalah merek dagang terdaftar milik PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia. Product names and other company names used on the Website are trade names, trademarks or registered trademarks of those respective companies.

Links to other Websites

Third party websites linked to or from this Website (other websites) are independently operated and maintained by their respective third parties and are not under the control of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia. Use of other Websites shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth by their respective operators. PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia is not responsible for the content of any linked Website. Under no circumstances will Kubota be liable for any loss or damage incurred by accessing or using any linked Website.

Nothing contained on this Website shall be construed as a recommendation and/or endorsement by PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia of the content/contents of any other Website, nor of any products and/or services appearing on and/or provided through such other Website. There is no partnership or similar implied relationship between the operators of other Websites and PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia.

Information provided by the User

By submitting comments, questions, information, proposals, ideas, etc. (“Feedback”) to PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia, then such Feedback will be treated on the understanding that you agree to the terms below:

  • PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia will not treat your Feedback as confidential or proprietary information.
  • PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia will not assume any obligation to consider, evaluate or adopt any or all of the Feedback.
  • Even if PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia adopts Feedback that is identical or similar in content to some or all of the Feedback provided by a user, PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia will not be responsible for, and will not be obligated to compensate anyone.

Privacy Policy

In some cases, this Website requires Users to enter personal information such as name, address, mailing address, and telephone number for specific purposes or requires a mixture of such personal information. Such information may be shared or provided for operations related to services and/or products in which PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia or one of its partners has involvement. PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia will not use or share your personal information, if asked to do so. Contact PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia through the appropriate page on the Website to confirm, correct, or delete your personal information.

PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia may disclose personal information to third parties under the following circumstances:

  1. You give your consent.
  2. The services and products offered on the Website are subcontracted or represented by third parties.
  3. When appropriate for affiliated parties, agencies, or dealers to respond to User inquiries.
  4. When required by the court or applicable legal regulations.

For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small files that will automatically take place on the User’s device that perform the function of storing the User’s preferences and configurations while visiting a Website. These cookies are not intended to be used when accessing other data that the User has on the User’s computer device, other than what the User has agreed to submit.

This website uses cookies for the following purposes:

  1. Enables analysis of visitor numbers and visitor flow
  2. To improve the quality of Website services

Using your browser settings, you can block all or part of the cookies used by this Website. Please refer to the instruction/help material of the Browser you are using. Please be aware that you may not be able to use some or all of our Website services if you block our cookies.

Links to Website

You may link to PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia’s website as long as you provide the URL of the linked website and the contact information of the person responsible for the website. You must also agree to the rules below:

  1. PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from linking to the Website.
  2. PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia has no obligation to link back.
  3. The URL and contents of the Website may be changed or deleted without prior notice.
  4. Ensure that the Website links are displayed in such a way that third parties can easily tell that the Website is owned by PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia (the Website cannot appear in images or buttons with other labels)
  5. Not using the logo of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia without permission
  6. Links from the following Websites will be blocked. The Website should also not be included in emails from the Website:
    • Contains illegal content or violates the norms of law and decency
    • Contains pornographic content
    • Contains content that is offensive/harmful to PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia, Kubota Corporation, its partners, or any third party.

Applicable Legal Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, without regard to its conflict of law rules. You agree that any legal action or dispute that may arise out of, relate to, or be in any way connected with the Website and/or this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively within the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Indonesia.

Translated (with additions) from the Kubota Corporation Website Terms and Conditions which can be found at the following link: In case of differences in understanding, refer to the original document.