PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia Celebrates its 10th Anniversary

PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia (KMI), celebrated 10 years of existence in Indonesia with the theme “Always Together with Kubota”, in Jakarta, on Thursday (16/11/2023).
“This is an extraordinary journey for Kubota Machinery Indonesia, which has achieved several great achievements over the past decade,” said Itaru Kamiya, President Director of PaT KMI. According to him, this is thanks to the cooperation and solidarity of all staff who work in synergy, bringing Kubota Machinery Indonesia to experience very rapid growth, despite being faced with difficult times.
The 10-year anniversary of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia was attended by almost 200 guests, including PT KMI dealers, bank partners, leasing and logistics financing, and PT KMI staff. Awards were also presented at the event. Among others, President Award for outstanding dealers in 2023, Best Partner Award for banks and finance companies that have supported PT KMI’s business, 10 Years Dealer Award for PT KMI authorized dealers who have been with KMI since the beginning, and 10 Years Employee Award and Milestone Achievement Award for staff who have worked at PT KMI for 10 years.
With hard work and dedication from all parties, PT KMI has now become a market leader in the distribution of agricultural equipment in Indonesia with a total market share value of 50% annually. In 10 years, KMI has successfully expanded its coverage area with the support of 60 dealer outlets across Indonesia.
In addition, Kubota Machinery Indonesia also has 3 warehouses with 70 competent and dedicated staff. Kubota also cooperates with 12 dealers who in total have 60 outlets and more than 300 dealer staff who are dedicated to supporting the distribution and after-sales service of Kubota Machinery products spread throughout Indonesia.

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