PT KMI CSR Activities 2024

PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia conducted another Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in 2024. This time PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia visited the St. Francis Assisi Ratedosa Clinic which is located on Jln. Tans Maby – Maumere, Aeramo Village, Aesesa District, Nagekeo Regency. As a form of concern in the world of health, PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia handed over one unit of Generator Set (Genset) type K-JT 300 to St. Francis Assisi Ratedosa Clinic. The assistance was given directly by the President Director of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia Mr. Itaru Kamiya accompanied by the Director of Pilar Putra Teknik Mr. Tony Wijaya as the official dealer of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia in the East Nusa Tenggara region.
In the event, President Director of PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia Mr. Itaru Kamiya was pleased to be able to directly hand over the Genset assistance “We are expanding our support to the health care sector. Today, we are pleased and honored to present a generator set to the St. Francis Assisi Ratedosa clinic in Nagekeo, NTT,” said Itaru Kamiya. According to him, the provision of CSR assistance is a commitment to PT Kubota Corporation’s tagline, For Earth For Life. “Through this contribution, we really strive to have a positive impact while supporting the journey towards a sustainable and prosperous developed Indonesia,” he continued.
Director of PT Pilar Putra Teknik Tony Wijaya said that he was happy to be welcomed with a good Nagekeo dance and was grateful to be present in this simple place. “This generator engine assistance should be utilized properly by the St. Francis ASISI Ratedosa Clinic. Because of course we also feel happy and proud if the clinic uses the generator engine properly as intended,” said Tony Wijaya.
The head of the St. Francis Asisi Ratedosa Clinic Sr. Consita, St. Francis Asisi Ratedosa Clinic expressed great gratitude to PT Kubota Machinery Indonesia and PT Pilar Agri, he considered the provision of this generator assistance to be very useful considering the frequent power outages in the Nagekeo area. “The St. Francis Asisi Ratedosa Clinic really appreciates the concern of PT KMI and PT Agri who have provided assistance” he concluded.

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